Jags outs Cooks Out

Jag DRIVE winners earn recognition and a free meal.


Niah Jackson, Reporter

Sophomore Jered Rojas seasons food and makes sure they are being cooked to the right temperature. “It’s fun cooking for the winners,” Rojas said. “It takes me away from doing work on the computer and gets me to do something else.




Sophomore Gilbert Perez puts labels on the lunch boxes that will be given out to teachers and Jag Drive winners. “I bet the winners are good people and they do what’s right even though no one tells them to do it,” Perez said. “Good luck in life Jag Drive winners.”


Senior Kolleen Couch helps students and teachers get their lunches for Jag Drive. “It feels nice that we are giving teacher recognition for all the hard work that they do,” Couch said. “And for the students to be able to feel appreciated.”


Senior Fernado Corchado inspects his burger, compliments culinary, after winning the Jag Drive award. “Ms. Sidhu has been the best adviser and English teacher I’ve had,” Corchado said. “She has not only accepted me in the yearbook organization, but I have also loved every moment I’ve had with her.”