It’s the holiday season and warmth is in the air. High school students take this time to make their list of wants with a few needs, while many others laugh and enjoy this time of the year with family and friends. Some students on the other hand take this time to give back to those in need. From donations to charities, helping in community events, and helping collect items to donate many high school students have found the fun in giving back.
Senior Kimberly Ibarra gives back to her community with her organization TAFE (Texas Association of Future Educators).
“We do a lot of activities with the rest of our community through different events, Like reading, playing, talking,” Ibarra said. “Giving back means to give back to people just like those before me, and also trying to give back to the community that I serve. It helps me serve my purpose as someone who wants to become an educator. I want to have that feeling of fulfillment. I think my purpose as a person and also a future educator is to be with younger students and help them become people they’re proud of and have new aspirations and fulfill their dreams.”
Sophomore April Nieto donated $200 to Children’s Health Hospital to help children learn how to grow their own crops, and raise their own animals when they have little money and food. She also donated $130 to Saint Jude’s Children Research Hospital to help support research on children’s cancer.
“I want to help those that are in need especially when they are struggling,” Nieto said. “Whether they are struggling physically, emotionally, mentally I want to help. I also want to help those who have it harder than what we have. In addition people these days take things for granted. Because of this I would like to give back knowing that I am very appreciative for what I have. It impacts me personally and adds to my moral rights and principles. In the end I hope to achieve a better society.”
Senior Madia Toto has been giving back to the community since she was little. Since joining TAFE she has had even more opportunities to give back to the community.
“Recently I volunteered for Lina at Mackey Elementary,” Toto said. “I helped watch the kids to give the parents some time to like themselves. It was an opportunity for us to get volunteer hours. I have always liked working with kids and volunteering, it was fun. Giving back means a lot to me. Every Christmas my parents and I give back to the homeless. I never really had anyone to give back to me, so by giving back to other people I hope that it makes them feel happy. If I can make somebody’s day or just help somebody out in any way possible makes me happy.”
Senior Ker’mari Williams collected 20 cans to help her theatre department give back to an organization.
“For me giving back means helping someone who is less fortunate,” Williams said. “People who need help in general. It makes me feel good as a person to help other people who don’t have access to as many things as me. It impacts me personally because doing fundraisers and donating helps my confidence. It lets me know that I am a good person, and helps me believe that I am helpful to others. I hope to make people happy and I plan on continuing to give back not only for myself, but also for others that way people continue to give back forever.”
Places to give during the holidays:
Angel Tree Christmas: https://www.prisonfellowship.org/about/angel-tree/
Feeding America: https://www.feedingamerica.org/
Toys – For – Tots: https://www.toysfortots.org/
One Simple Wish: https://www.onesimplewish.org/wish/wish-grant?button=1
Operation Blessings: https://www.ob.org/
St. Judith’s Research Hospital: https://www.stjude.org/about-st-jude.html
Sharing Life: https://sharing.life/who-we-are/